21 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We decided to send Christmas cards or postcards to one another. Our pupils wrote personal messages and we sent the cards to our new friends.
Hopefully, all cards came on time - just before the Christmas holidays!
Moravian girls writing abroad

20 December 2011


Several English lessons we were busy with filming a video about our ZŠ a MŠ Větrná in Uherské Hradiště. It is not only us who had to speak English. We also taught English our cook in the kitchen and the lady who works in our buffet. Enjoy!

Polish pupils also made an interesting video about their school. You can learn a lot in their video but the most interesting fact is that they have a small cinema in the school. How cool!

Would you like to see French pupils and their school? Just watch their video!

Check out also Cool School from Bohemia! Notice what the kids use instead of a microphone! :-D


Filming itself was very amusing for all of us. It was great that even people who don´t speak English were not afraid. However, we all were impressed by a "six and half" year old boy called Victor whose performance was simply excellent!

16 December 2011


Each eTwinning project has its own Diary. Ours can be found at this address. From time to time all the involved teachers write there what´s new in their school.

13 December 2011


The following logos were nominated in the finals. It was hard to choose the best. Each school had one vote and at the end "Bohemian hands" won the logo competition. Congratulations!

Voting in Moravia was quite dramatic and we spent nearly the whole lesson discussing which logo would be the best and why.

10 November 2011


Although the deadline for logos is the end of November, all the pupils from Moravia have designed their logos for the project. It will be difficult to choose the best two that are going to be nominated into the finals. :-)

29 October 2011


Each pupil got a name of a pupil involved in the eTwinning project and had to find out as much information as possible about him/her. Our pupils created mostly PowerPoint presentations about their new friends. Here you can see some of them:

Ondřej by Sofia from Estonia

and David by Alexandra from Poland

David tried to make his presentation about Oceane from France in VUVOX:

2 October 2011


We learned a new way that helps us with presentations: vuvox.com. Easy and fun! Let´s see how many pupils will use it for the task "Get to know each other" to present their new friend...

25 September 2011


Today the names of our pupils were put in four name circles. Each pupil should find his/her name and write to the new friend whose name is next to him/her. They should find out some information about his/her new friend and make a presentation.


English - Hello, how are you?

Czech - Ahoj, jak se máš?

Polish - Cześć, jak się masz?

Estonian - Tere, kuidas läheb?

Russian - Привет, как дела?

French - Salut, ça va ?

7 September 2011


We are five European schools. Two schools from the CZECH REPUBLIC then one school is from POLAND, one from FRANCE and one from ESTONIA.

Zobrazit místo OUR SCHOOL IS COOL 2 na větší mapě

6 September 2011


September, October - Getting to know the partner schools
Our pupils will write to each other according to name circles and make presentations about their new friends.

October, November - Logo competition
Old good logo competition :-)

November, December - Movie about our school

Movie time for the pupils and their teachers!

January, February - Poster of our school
Drawing, gluing, posting posters :-)

March, April - Photo story of how to get to our school
What is it going to be? Fun!

May - End-of-project competition
And some more time in competitions!

5 September 2011


Today our project was officially registered. We are five European schools. Since two of our schools have 20th anniversary the aim of our project is to make our pupils look closely at their own schools and introduce it to one another. We will work on various tasks with practical use of computers and ICT tools. We expect to make our project attractive, motivating and fun!

Class from Estonia